Monday, 29 May 2017

27/05/17 - Birdlog

The scrape at Rilshaw Lane is currently looking fantastic for waders however the water level has dropped at sadly the wrong time for the spring migration. None the less 2 very obliging Little Ringed Plover were present as well as a small gathering of 20 Black-headed Gull and 14 Lesser Black Backed Gull.

Only birds of note from the main water included 3 Common Tern and 19 Great Crested Grebe.

Observer: Findlay Wilde

Monday, 22 May 2017

21/05/17 - Birdlog

The highlight of what was meant to be a 'brief' visit to the flash was indeed the discovery of what looks like a Common Tern breeding attempt. Last year a pair attempted to breed on the sailing club pontoons however a particularly sudden, heavy downpour seemed to have washed the egg into the water. These birds seem rather settled and hopefully this year they might be more successful.

Other sightings of note included a Little Ringed Plover on the scrapes and a partially leucistic Black-headed Gull.

Partially leucistic Black-headed Gull

Observer: Findlay Wilde

Saturday, 20 May 2017

19/05/17 - Birdlog

An afterschool visit to the flash produced a solitary Little Ringed Plover on the scrapes at Dairy House Farm, 9 Shelduck (including a pair with 8 young) and a female Yellow Wagtail. A Tufted Duck was on the main water which is an unseasonal record.

Rilshaw Lane produced 5 Black Tailed Godwit and the first 2 Mandarin of the year taking the year species list up to 110.

 Black Tailed Godwilt

Black Tailed Godwit

Observer: Findlay Wilde (all images)

The Black Tailed Godwits had relocated to the scrapes at Dairy House by late evening.

Observer: Graham Bayliss

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

16/05/17 - Birdlog

A SPOTTED FLYCATCHER was the highlight of an evening session present in the trees by the entrance to Rilshaw Lane carpark. Also present included a solitary Yellow Wagtail and Little Ringed Plover.

Observer: Findlay Wilde

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

14/05/17 - Birdlog

The highlight of a brief visit to Winsford Flash came at Dairy House Farm, where I discovered a grounded PINK FOOTED GOOSE. Normally flyovers and this particular record is very unseasonal.

A Little Ringed Plover was also present on Main Scrape.

Observer: Findlay Wilde

The Pink Footed Goose was still present with the Canadas early evening.



Observer: Graham Bayliss (all images)

Monday, 8 May 2017

07/05/17 - Birdlog

*2 RINGED PLOVER* were present on main scrape at Weaver Dairy House Farm!! A patch first. Also present was a Little Ringed Plover.

Little Ringed Plover

Observer: Findlay Wilde

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

01/05/17 - Birdlog

A *GREENSHANK* was the undoubted highlight of the afternoon session at Weaver Dairy House Farm, the bird was present throughout the time I was there and was still feeding when I left. The scrapes also held a single Little Ringed Plover, 3 Lapwing and 2 Shelduck.

The mere was relatively quiet, however it was nice to see 4 Common Tern present over the water, hopefully the species will attempt to breed again this year.


Observer: Findlay Wilde (image)

Sedge Warbler on left hand side of the car-park' several Reed Warbler in the reedbeds. A Common Sandpiper on the logs in the mud. Noticed a Tern flying on the yacht club side so drove round. In total there were 5 birds but all looked like Common Tern with black tips to the bill, but could be wrong. Also a single Greenshank on the pool by the farm.

Finally got the Lesser Whitethroat off Grange Lane.

Observer: Graham Bayliss

A WHINCHAT was present this evening.

Observer: John Gilbody