18/07/17: A Little Egret was present feeding on the shoreline at the eastern end staying put just the evening before departing elsewhere. 1 Green Sandpiper and 4 Common Sandpiper were also present here. The spit at Rilshaw Lane through up a surprise in the from of a DUNLIN. 5 Little Ringed Plover and a single Common Sandpiper was also present here.
Observers: Findlay Wilde, John Gilbody and Graham Bayliss
16/07/17: 6 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpiper and 4 Teal were present on the water and spit at Rilshaw Lane, while the scarce record of a REDSTART (juv) were in the Willows alongside the water. The eastern end held 2 Green Sandpiper, 4 Common Sandpiper, a Redshank and 1 Black-Tailed Godwit.
Observer: Findlay Wilde
The above are stand out days in the time period since I last posted sightings. The only other highlights have included 1 Mediterranean Gull on the 12th at Rilshaw, 15 Lapwing at Rilshaw on the 7th, and a Water Rail at Dairy House on the same day.
Observer: Findlay Wilde
Images from the last few weeks: