Monday, 30 October 2017


An excellent day birding wise with 2 Winsford Flash ticks! The day started off with a bang when 3 HAWFINCH flew east over Dairy House Farm, these birds were most likely part of the recent Hawfinch invasion with birds arriving from the continent. A further 4 were seen over Rilshaw Lane the following the day by another observer.

An adult Med Gull dropped in with 450 Black-headed and Common Gull. The morning ended perfectly with a Jack Snipe on Main Scrape (first of the season).

The 2nd Flash tick of the day though came at Rilshaw Lane. The resident flock of 250 Canada Geese had occupied the spit at Rilshaw and whilst scanning I was delighted to pick out 2 BARNACLE GEESE! They stayed the evening and I was glad other observers got the chance to connect with them before dusk. 8 Teal were present in the inlet.

Observers: Findlay Wilde, Graham Bayliss and John Gilbody

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